Why hasn't anyone discussed or responded to Amir's ideas and thoughts?

I believe Amir’s ideas are the most well-thought-out solution for the community’s future development proposed so far. I’m not sure why more people haven’t noticed and discussed them. Let’s bring attention to them and move the community forward.
This is the link to Amir’s proposal document: Telegram: Contact @assangedaochat


Here are copies of the PDF

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Amir also posted on Twitter x.com

In Nov 2010, I wrote to Wikileaks telling them to accept Bitcoin. Satoshi got scared and left Bitcoin forever. Wikileaks profited 50,000% enabling their operation. In 2012 Assange was jailed. In 2021, we made AssangeDAO and raised $55m to free Assange. @Stella_Assange credits the DAO with saving the FreeAssange campaign from bankruptcy. The US government tried to bankrupt the Assange defense, and nearly did. AssangeDAO was the second biggest DAO raise in all crypto history. It was a mega achievement with donations from @koeppelmann, @VitalikButerin and many others. The DAO was highly decentralized with >10000 people donating a small amount of crypto. In 2015, I left Bitcoin to fight ISIS in Syria. But right before, I released a decentralized version of WikiLeaks called DarkLeaks to the community. I thought people would pick up the idea and develop it into a product. DarkLeaks is a p2p anon leaking software where leaks can be verified and auctioned. In the verification phase, randomness is sourced from the blockchain to randomly decrypt segments of the file, allowing claims about its contents to be checked. In the auction phase, parties bid on the file and the winner gets to decrypt the file. DarkLeaks is like Wikileaks where leakers are incentivized and compensated for the great risk they take. Like WikiLeaks, DarkLeaks destroys the benefit of secrecy. This was all working on top of Bitcoin. Today with MPC and ZK cryptography, we can create something even bigger. I always wonder why my prototype did not get adopted and developed. The crypto community seems more focused on easy scams than actual impact. Mark my words: this is not the end of the Wikileaks lineage. The next generation of leaking platforms is coming.

This is a great innovative idea that the community should pay attention to. I was personally very excited when I first saw this plan.

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Yes, I feel excited too, but it seems that not many people are paying attention to this issue. So what should we do? We can start by discussing the feasibility of this matter, then proceed with a proposal, and get everyone involved in discussing whether the plan is workable.


People should also read this post from Amir.

And on Telegram:

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I support Amir,it can be the DAO’s white paper,It seems that we need Assange’s support.