This could be an interesting panel discussion to see Stella Gabriel John open up about the fight to free Julian. Perhaps the DAO’s financial assistance survival package will be covered.
New - AIDC 2025
Any recordings of those events?
The presentation begins with an intro - you can watch that bit yourself. But most are familiar with all of that here.
US Lawyers accepted ETH, other lawyers FIAT currency only.
During the raise - bot armies, threats and disagreements
Gnosis safe and Snapshot Governance established
PAK enforced a 10 day set-up, refused rescheduling the auction
- discovered that the Juicebox funding cycle automatically renewed
- during the funding cycle, tokens cannot be issued.
Duplicate .Deleted to avoid confusion
Silke explains that the NFT clock asset requires a manual update daily by PAK’s crew - at the time of her forum talk the clock had not received an adjustment for 19 days so it was inaccurate.
6/ The NFT clock now counts forward to reflect JAs days of freedom.
7/ How the funds were spent by Wau Holland to free Julian.
Note: These are not all confirmed. - Silke Noa
The PRO maxibid argument included:
- clearly communicated the raise was a donation
- Discord was unmanageable and indicative of its vulnerability to state influence (bot armies and threats received)
- a small window was presented to transfer the funds raised into the safe and reliable Wau Holland
- nobody knew if 54 million would be adequate to free Julian - hence maxbid now
- Wau Holland had a long history safeguarding Julian/Wikileaks funding
Anti- maxibid argument
- multi -sigs who were promaxibid left
- Wau Holland - a Foundation - is not completely transparent (German tax office dealings)
- 10000 holders - many with technical capability, not bureaucrats, means of freeing JA by a DAO, potentially wider ranging
- NFT was too expensive and no reason to enforce DAO into a maxibid
- a missed opportunity to showcase what a DAO could have achieved
The DAO governance structure allows for a Consensus Unit veto.
The multisig had 2 in favour of the maxi bid and 2 against. Ultimately the maxibid won. Next slide -
Over the past two years the DAO has been affected by
- bidding strategy
- infrastructure attacks
- personal attacks - one member hospitalised for months due to unknown entity
- disrepute due to anons