Gabriel has quit all the telegram groups, and everything has stalled once again, and we need a platform now, a platform where we can vote with justice coins, and we need to vote to decide everything. This is the only way that is currently possible, and all the legitimate results of the vote must be carried out without interference from any power!
The existing voting system is no longer available! The new voting system hasn’t been built yet, and the dao is stuck here, unable to move. That’s why people are angry.
Rose, Zylo, BZ, Amir and Silke all have multi sig keys. It can be used. The current proposal seems void because 1) Silke did not submit it to this forum for the threshold test and 2) one of its main authors left the DAO. Zylo said he was willing to assist. So I think the numbers are still there. If its a great proposal, Amir would sign IMO. He stated categorically he would sign governance proposals.
Silke had to be the one post it? I thought you thought it was ready to vote on. Are we talking about different things, did something change/new info, or am I just confused?